Though you may know how to perform CPR on an adult, the CPR techniques used for infants and children differ due to their smaller size. It can be harmful to incorrectly administer CPR on an infant, which is why it’s important to learn how to safely perform the procedure from an AHA certified instructor. A CCS class will also teach you the signs to look for to determine if an infant or child requires CPR, since the need typically arises from respiratory issues that can then lead to cardiac arrest. Some of the reasons an infant or child’s breathing may stop include:

We are here to help when you need us
  • Suffocation
  • Choking
  • Near drowning
  • Asthma
  • Head trauma
  • Smoke inhalation
  • Poisoning
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

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In the Instructor-led course, students learn how to manage illness and injuries in the first few minutes until professional help arrives, as well as how to perform CPR and use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). This course teaches skills with the AHA’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which allows instructors to observe the students, provide feedback, and guide the students’ learning of skills. This course is for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs a course completion card in First AID CPR and AED use to meet job, regulatory, or other requirements.

There is NO written exam.

Upon successful completion of the course, including a First Aid, CPR and AED skills test, students receive a Heartsaver course completion card, valid for two years.


Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED Blended Learning is for anyone seeking an alternative method for completing and initial or renewal First Aid CPR/AED certification. Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED Online (part 1) is the eLearning component of Blended Learning, this course uses a variety of eLearning assets such as dramatizations, eSimulations, animations, self-directed learning, and interactive activities to teach students knowledge and skills

needed to respond to and manage illness and injury in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives, as well as how to respond to sudden cardiac arrest and use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).

After completing the online portion, students attend a structured Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED Hands-On Session with an AHA Instructor. This session focuses on meaningful skills practice (part 2), and skills testing l(part 3).

Upon successful completion of part 3 students will be issued the same Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED course completion card as if they had taken the classroom version of the course. This class is desirable because it allows the student flexibility to complete a portion of the course at their own pace.

There is NO written exam.

This is NOT considered an online course.​


Our AHA certified instructors will prepare you to recognize and respond to these breathing and cardiac emergencies. The First Aid training courses will also teach you how and when to use an automated external defibrillator (AED), which is a portable device that can send an electric shock to the heart to restore its normal rhythm. Learning how to perform CPR on an infant or child – a skill that can truly safe a life – is a worthwhile investment.

While no one ever plans on using cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) ­­– especially on an infant or child ­­– knowing how to perform the emergency procedure can make all the difference.
If your infant stopped breathing, would you know how to quickly respond?
Being prepared to administer this life-saving technique can be crucial, since CPR restores necessary blood flow to the body’s vital organs. Without blood flow, brain damage can occur in just a few minutes.

As an official partner of the American Heart Association (AHA), CPR Certification Solutions (CCS) provides classes to teach parents, grandparents, nannies, siblings over 12 years of age, or anyone else who cares after kids how to perform CPR and First Aid on infants and children. Babysitters can also benefit from learning this life-saving technique, since parents will feel much more comfortable leaving their young ones with someone that can handle such an emergency.